Thursday 27 July 2017

term 2 relfection

Term 2 reflection
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What I learnt in term 2 in writing was to learn my spelling words and to do the spelling
Days. Example.
Day 1 pre test with a buddy
Day 2 look,say,cover and write plus write each word with a dictionary definition
Day 3 look,say,cover and write plus write each word in a compound sentence
Day 4 look,say,cover and write plus write each word in a question
Day 5 post test with a buddy
And I learnt lots of words because of our school spelling words.
What I am proud of in term 2 in writing was that I have put lots of detail in my writing
Most of the time. What I found challenging in writing was to practise my writing goal
Because I completely forgot about my writing goal. I just remembered about my 'must do' at the
Top of the checklist. What I will focus more on next term is to practise my writing goal
Much more.
What I learnt in term 2 in reading was to always do your follow up in reading because
If you don’t, you have to do the follow up when the workshop is on. So I have learnt that
This term. What I was proud of in term 2 was that I practised my reading goal because I didn’t want to be sad that I didn't finish my follow up. So I am very proud of myself also my
Dad is very proud of me as well. What I found challenging in reading was to read aloud to everyone except my Dad because he is the person I feel comfortable with reading aloud to. Next
Time I will read more to people that I’m not comfortable with so it builds my
Confidence up.
What I learnt in maths in term 2 was all my times tables because as a class we did basic facts together so everyone would learn them. What I was proud of in term 2 was that I
Finished all my maths inquiry because I know some people that haven’t finished but
That's not me! What I found challenging in term 2 was to finish all my sums in the basic facts
Sheet because I need to learn my times tables faster so I can finish all my times tables
On the basic facts sheet. Next time I will try my hardest to practise my times tables.
Because then I will be faster and alway finish my basic facts sheet.

Dear Crazy chocolate man

WALT have more structure to my stories. Dear Crazy chocolate man Today its a very Import day because it is my happy cheerful birthday toda...