Wednesday 29 November 2017


reflection for term 4 week 7

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I learnt in writing was to have more structure to my stories. I learnt about paragraphs that you need to have 6 sentences in a paragraph. A paragraph is a group of sentences about one main idea. why we learnt to use paragraphs is because they break up long chunks of writing, making it clearer and more interesting for the reader. What I found challenging in writing was to always proof and read my work because when I show some of my work to my parents they always find a mistake.  What I feel proud   that two teachers said that I have really improved this year in writing. What I will do next year make my writing goal to always proof and read my work.

I learnt in reading was to be more confident reading out loud to people. What I found challenging in reading was finding a book that I want to read. What I am proud of in reading is that in class I joined book club because it gives me a lot of support in reading. What I will do next year is to make my reading goal to read every single day for 30 minutes.

I learnt in maths was most of my times tables. What I found challenging was to be fast at my times tables. What I am proud of in maths is that I sometimes practise my maths goal. Next year I will change my maths goal to be faster at my times tables.

Friday 24 November 2017

Without gravity

WALT use onomatopoeia in our stories.
paragraph 1
One weird day. I was playing with my lovely fluffy teddy bear. Having a fun time, dressing up my teddy. One beautiful fancy costume after another. I heard the sound of a huge THUMP! it sounded like a slow giant was walking on earth. I heard all these different sounds from up above. CRASH! Suddenly two house's smashed together and all the pieces of the two house were all over the ground.

paragraph 2
I knew something bad had happened in New Zealand. All my girly precious objects started floating up in the sweet stuffy air. My belongings was under control. But suddenly I felt that the air was getting lazy. BUT I WAS FLYING! All these sounds was coming out of nowhere. THUMP! This time the thump was louder maybe the slow giant is coming closer. I was biting my lip now, I had no idea how to get out of this mess.

paragraph 3
POW! ZIP! ZEE! But suddenly I felt that the air stopped relaxing. I felt happy when everything was normal. But I hope that will NEVER! happen again.

Monday 13 November 2017

popcorn story

Image result for a  whitebowl of popcorn
WALT write a perspective writing of a popcorn
I was the popcorn. In the pale white bowl, just lying with my fluff ball friends.It was bless and heaven. .Having a play in the bowl but suddenly this giant hand came right at me. Picked me up and took me to the most deepest, darkest hole. Around the hole were huge white sharp teeth as like knives shining in the sun light. I was so frightened! How was this hand so mean? I was just playing with my friends and now I'm going to a dark hole. The hand put me in the dark hole, licking all the sweetness and taste off me, suddenly I hear the sound of a human saying'' Mmm delicious'' and that was the end of my life.

Thursday 9 November 2017

grandparents letter

Dear beautiful lovely grandparents

On Friday 27 of October, they will be a grandparents day. So if you want to go to grandparents day, come to Oratia school in room 17 and 18. They will be a time table on of what you're doing at times. 9.00 to 9.30 everyone will plan their day in a Miss Maguire way. 9.30 to 10.00 the students will do their must dos. 10.00 to 10.30 you could share your pictures and stories with us when you were at school. 10.30 to 11.00 every student that has a grand parent gives them a walk around the school. So are you going to the awesome grand parents day.
Love Lucia xoxoxoxoxo

Dear Crazy chocolate man

WALT have more structure to my stories. Dear Crazy chocolate man Today its a very Import day because it is my happy cheerful birthday toda...