Friday 24 November 2017

Without gravity

WALT use onomatopoeia in our stories.
paragraph 1
One weird day. I was playing with my lovely fluffy teddy bear. Having a fun time, dressing up my teddy. One beautiful fancy costume after another. I heard the sound of a huge THUMP! it sounded like a slow giant was walking on earth. I heard all these different sounds from up above. CRASH! Suddenly two house's smashed together and all the pieces of the two house were all over the ground.

paragraph 2
I knew something bad had happened in New Zealand. All my girly precious objects started floating up in the sweet stuffy air. My belongings was under control. But suddenly I felt that the air was getting lazy. BUT I WAS FLYING! All these sounds was coming out of nowhere. THUMP! This time the thump was louder maybe the slow giant is coming closer. I was biting my lip now, I had no idea how to get out of this mess.

paragraph 3
POW! ZIP! ZEE! But suddenly I felt that the air stopped relaxing. I felt happy when everything was normal. But I hope that will NEVER! happen again.

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